Day 7
September 30, 2013
Bus to Iguazú
I've been on this bus for 16 hours. The whole trip is supposed to take 22 hours so there is still quite some time to go. It turns out that I didn't actually get the same tickets as Mark and Atish, so I'll have to meet them in Puerto Iguazú.
The bus I'm on is two floors. I'm sitting in a large, reclining seat in the second row on the second floor, looking out the front window at the road ahead. There aren't many passengers because most of them got off at Bariloche. A young man from Paraguay was sitting next to me earlier and I made a stab at conversation, but his accent was too hard to understand. My Spanish has been improving slowly. I can now have a very, very simple conversation. One of the tricks I picked up is to say the same thing a bunch of different ways so I have a better chance of being understood. I actually learned a few new words on this bus ride because they've been playing movies in English with Spanish subtitles.
They served a full dinner last night, complete with meat, cheese, lettuce, Jello and some other things I didn't recognize. It actually wasn't half bad. I wonder if they'll serve breakfast this morning. I really hope they do because I only brought crackers and chips for snacks. I'm definitely going to plan my food better next time I take a bus.
Front window of the bus
I'm starting to get really excited about the Falls. I'll finally get what I initially expected out of South America: a warm climate and lots of nature. Outside my window there's a heavy mist hanging over the trees. The sunrise is reflecting off the white fog and creating a brilliant glow. We're on a long, empty stretch of road that has been climbing up and diving down in a roller coaster of hills. It's crazy when I stop and think that I am on a bus in South America driving North into the wilderness.
I am going to stop writing now so I can fully take in this moment.